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Table 3 Responses to items in the participant knowledge dimension (Multiple choices allowed)

From: Assessment of the correlation between KAP scores regarding sugar-sweetened beverage consumption and hyperuricemia amongst Chinese young adults



n (%)

Which of the following are common sugary beverages? (Multiple choices allowed)

a. Cola/Sprite

1246 (96.7)

b. Fruit juice drinks

1190 (92.4)

c. Bubble tea

1223 (95.0)

d. Americano coffee

283 (22.0)

e. Sports drinks (e.g., Red Bull, Powerade)

896 (69.6)

f. Tea-based drinks (e.g., Kangshifu green tea, iced black tea)

902 (70.0)

g. Uncertain

11 (0.9)

What are the potential harms of sugary beverages to the human body? (Multiple choices allowed)

a. Obesity

1263 (98.1)

b. Tooth decay

1175 (91.2)

c. Cardiovascular diseases

1108 (86.0)

d. Hyperuricemia

995 (77.3)

e. Accelerated aging

1024 (79.5)

f. Uncertain

12 (0.9)